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roof garden 屋頂花園。

roof spotter

Hotel style unique , luxurious elegant , facility perfect , constructs the style unique roof garden , the ultra luxurious commercial room and comfortable is elegant , necessary complete various types 110 guest room ; has the foreign land style the leisure dining room and the chinese type dining room , the luxurious theater box ; has the attentive service cafe room , the great hall , the business center , the market , the marriage vehicle rents , the automobile improves looks , the multi - purpose conference room ; has chess sign room , sauna center , cosmetology barber shop which the entertainment fitness and so on 酒店風格獨特豪華典雅設施完善,建有風格獨特的屋頂花園超豪華商務房及舒適典雅配套全的各式客房110間有異國格調的休閑餐廳及中式餐廳豪華包廂有殷勤服務的咖啡屋大堂吧商務中心商場婚車租賃汽車美容多功能會議室有娛樂健身的棋牌室桑拿中心美容美發廳等。

The running water waterfall great hall , the pure running water murmur looks at the scenery the winding corridor , the nightclub , the cosmetology barber shop , the sauna city , the chess sign room , the gymnasium , the open - air roof garden , the swimming pool , the style different china and the west dining room 飯店設有流水瀑布大堂吧清流潺潺的觀景回廊,夜總會美容美發廳桑拿城,棋牌室健身房露天屋頂花園游泳池風格迥異的中西餐廳及18間裝修金碧輝煌的各式包廂并設有設施設備先進,功能全的7間會議廳。

With the features of roof garden , this paper studies and discusses on the roof design and the relative techniques and the problems of the green public leisure space on roof in shopping centre , and puts forward some approaches arid suggestions 摘要該文結合屋頂綠化的特點,對在集中商業區建筑物頂部設計和修建綠色共休閑空間的相關技術和存在的問題進了探討和研究,提出了解決的辦法及相關的建議。

In kunming complex buliding , apart from buisness center and reception working 24 hour a day , guests can use restaurant , vip romms , cafe , indoor swimming pool and multi - function meeting room with roof garden 坤明湖綜合樓內設有商務中心、總臺24小時服務,并有餐廳、餐廳包房、咖啡廳、室內游泳池、多功能會議廳和屋頂花園。

Apart from setting target on roof gardens , set target on the application of soft and hard landscaping in buildings , including terraces , balconies and other covered and semi - covered areas 除制訂指標引入天臺花園設計外,亦制訂指標在建筑物內加入軟景及硬景設計,包括屋頂、露臺及其他有蓋或半遮蓋地方。

Within the range of the whole site , the tranquil and peaceful atmosphere created by various interior and roof gardens as well as exterior gardens is well integrated with the high - tech design 在眾多室內和屋頂的花園與實地景觀中,一種寧靜平和的氣氛,貫穿著整個高科技的設計之中。

It is purpose built to accommodate a range of school facilities , and includes a large outdoor terrace roof garden with panoramic views of galway bay and the city 大樓是為了因應校內設施而建造,包括一個能腑欖城市和高威灣景色的寬闊露天陽臺花園。

There are also gardens of various themes , such as the sculpture walk , the roof gardens , the chinese garden , the colour garden and the maze 公園內有多個不同主題的花園,例如雕塑廊、天臺花園、中國花園、瑰麗花園和迷宮花園。

As a basic roof garden to effect and run the infants ’ education , kindergartens play an important role in the modern infants ’ education theory 幼兒園作為幼兒教育實施和運作的基本平臺,在現代幼兒教育中發揮著重要作用。

The manufacturing roof garden for proving relative services for high - tech has n ' t been into form in china 北京的高新技術產品的自主知識產權少,國內尚未形成為高新技術產品配套服務的制造技術平臺。

So the next morning when he was out taking a walk in the roof garden , she hammered a nail exactly where the fly had stayed 于是,第二天早上他到樓頂花園散步時,她把一枚釘子釘在了蒼蠅停過的地方。

Incorporation of roof garden and landscaped terrace enables the building to blend in with its surrounding natural environment 為使建筑物與周圍自然環境融合,園景之設計擴展至建筑物之天臺及平臺。

Sophia : how about saturday evening ? about 7pm ? we could sit in my roof garden . it ' s a wonderful view 蘇菲雅:周六晚上七點可以嗎?我們可以在我家的空中花園用餐,并享受美麗的風景。

The availability approach of environment protect and economize on energy of building is roof garden 屋頂花園是建筑環保節能的有效途徑

Rainwater can undertake through roof garden save up and biology are handled 雨水可以通過屋頂花園進行蓄積和生物處理。

Study on the application of sedums on roof garden in shanghai 景天類植物在上海地區的應用

The entire tientai turns to link up the roof garden 整個天臺變成一個連貫屋頂花園。